Boris Krešić: Štetnost nametnutih odluka Visokog predstavnika

Prof.dr. Boris Krešić
Izlaganje na panelu Odbora Europskog parlamenta za saradnju sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom
5. mart 2024. godine
U noći održavanja izbora Visoki predstavnik je izmijenio pravila o delegiranju kantonalnih poslanika u Dom naroda Federacije BiH, time je izmijenio i način izbora predsjednika i zamjenika predsjednika Federacije BiH. Naime, on je ovom svojom odlukom, svjesno ili nesvjesno, učvrstio nacionalne pozicije bošnjaka, hrvata i srba. Na ovaj način, a pokazat će se u budućem periodu, nema više potrebe za drugim narodima u kantonima gdje isti nisu većina.
Svaka politička partija pravi liste za izbore i na te liste postavlja osobe u skladu sa Izbornim zakonom (primjer da mora biti određen broj žena) a i u skladu sa mogućnošću izbora drugih naroda u Dom naroda FBiH.
Nakon prezentacije vidljivo je da će političke partije u budućnosti, a u zavisnosti o kojem se kantonu radi, ići ka tome da delegiraju što više većinskog naroda u kantonu (bošnjaci bošnjaka a hrvati hrvata) kako bi se izborili za što povoljniju poziciju pri izboru predsejdnika Federacije BiH. Pri tome će neminovno doći do toga da u kantonalnim skupštinama nećemo imati svih konstitutivnih naroda a što za posljedicu ima nacionalizaciju kantona.
Harmful effects of the decisions imposed by the High Representative
On the election night, the High Representative changed the rules on the delegation of cantonal
deputies to the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. By doing so, he
also changed the procedure for electing the president and deputy president of the Federation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
By this decision, he, knowingly or unknowingly, strengthened the national positions of Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs. In this way, as the future period will reveal, there is no more need for other peoples in the cantons where they are not the majority.
Each political party makes its own list for elections and enlists people in accordance with the Election Law (for example, the requirement for a specific number of women) as well as in accordance with the possibility for other peoples to be elected to the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
After the presentation, it would be evident that in the future, depending on the canton, the political parties would opt for delegating as many members as possible of the majority people in that canton (Bosniaks would delegate a Bosniak and Croats would delegate a Croat) in order to fight for the most favorable position in the election of the president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This will inevitably lead to the situation that we will not have all the constituent peoples in the cantonal assemblies, which will result in the nationalization of the cantons.